• mn

Trade Reports



( 186.99 0.37% )
Index Unit Change
Top 20 Index 50852.53 186.99
MSE A Index 19516.92 1.78
MSE B Index 14794.81 -204.2



2024-12-26 17:20:49

Total trade: MNT 1,130,373,818 (USD 330,713.99)


2024-12-25 17:55:47

Total trade: MNT 9,706,380,443 (USD 2,839,800.24)      


2024-12-24 15:58:54

Total trade: MNT 2,088,756,320 (USD 611,083.37)


Today 827,559 shares of 17 companies of Tier 1 were traded for MNT 165,233,298.
Stocks Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
ADU 620 620 600 629 604.18 -24.82 -3.95% 2,209 160 601 620 10,405
AIC 1,440 1,450 1,380 1,453 1,432 -21 -1.45% 57,700 10 1,420 1,474 560
APU 741.80 745 740 737.86 741.18 3.32 0.45% 12,524 810 744 745 1,789
BDS 1,200 1,200 1,170 1,120 1,200 80 7.14% 101 2 1,120 1,170 649
BNG 23,900 23,900 23,900 24,100 23,900 -200 -0.83% 10 1 23,800 24,100 39
BODI 131.94 131.95 131.94 131 131.95 0.95 0.73% 502 237 131 131.95 97
GOV 243 244 242 236.65 242 5.35 2.26% 12,613 210 240 244 6,748
LEND 44.40 45.50 44.10 44.39 44.12 -0.27 -0.61% 452,203 500 44 44.91 3,500
MFC 67.70 67.70 64.32 67.71 67.23 -0.48 -0.71% 159,593 150 65.50 67.70 62
MMX 2,810 2,810 2,600 2,950 2,645 -305 -10.34% 189 20 2,590 2,600 120
MNDL 66.81 67.50 64.20 66.29 67.33 1.04 1.57% 106,101 1 67 67.69 5,000
MNP 1,690 1,690 1,600 1,602 1,690 88 5.49% 3,102 587 1,600 1,690 10
NEH 26.30 26.30 26.29 25.37 26.30 0.93 3.67% 10,516 2,030 26 26.30 27,372
SUU 211.90 211.90 210 211.84 211.72 -0.12 -0.06% 6,495 2,890 210 212 13,089
TCK 14,200 14,200 14,000 14,100 14,000 -100 -0.71% 37 11 14,000 14,100 59
TTL 7,450 7,495 7,450 7,450 7,455 5 0.07% 3,098 10 7,420 7,475 300
TUM 213 214 212.50 210.01 212.63 2.62 1.25% 566 220 213 214 80
Today 654,871 shares of 21 companies of Tier 2 were traded for MNT 452,877,748.
Stocks Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
AARD 10,470 10,500 10,000 10,340 10,370 30 0.29% 29,270 161 9,995 10,360 140
ADB 252 252 249.50 248.06 249.90 1.84 0.74% 567,251 5,055 250 253.50 3,300
ADL 990 990 900 899.66 900 0.34 0.04% 298 500 890 990 900
BAN 990 990 990 990 990 0 0% 45 300 970 990 495
DZG 124 124 124 134.99 124 -10.99 -8.14% 2,000 1,000 123.60 132.99 400
ETR 134.99 139 130 134.50 135.21 0.71 0.53% 11,766 150 138.99 139.99 100
GTL 19,660 19,660 19,660 17,100 19,660 2,560 14.97% 70 169 19,660 0 0
HRM 132 132 130 134.12 130.82 -3.30 -2.46% 2,303 300 130.01 132 2,221
INV 3,090 3,090 3,040 3,100 3,040 -60 -1.94% 115 35 2,903 3,035 344
ITLS 87.70 88 87.70 88 87.75 -0.25 -0.28% 3,461 268 87.71 88 3,999
JTB 70 70 69 69 69.86 0.86 1.25% 700 1,981 69.50 72 1,500
MBW 178.10 184 178 177.50 178.10 0.60 0.34% 3,330 500 177.89 184 3,860
MCH 474 474 460 474.87 467.03 -7.84 -1.65% 201 42 450 474 359
MSH 530 550 530 600 550 -50 -8.33% 433 100 510 600 80
MVO 1,350 1,350 1,234 1,234 1,281 47 3.81% 44 2 1,234 1,800 34
OLL 28 28 25.60 28.11 26.31 -1.80 -6.4% 142 100 25.60 31.09 6,570
RMC 30.50 30.50 29 30.01 29.93 -0.08 -0.27% 32,491 1,723 28.55 30.20 200
SHG 980 980 980 855 980 125 14.62% 25 68 850 980 14
TEE 9,660 9,660 9,660 11,360 9,660 -1,700 -14.96% 1 6 9,660 12,500 6
UID 1,465 1,470 1,420 1,465 1,445 -20 -1.37% 864 27 1,420 1,450 121
UYN 610 700 560 635 700 65 10.24% 61 188 560 740 50
Today 32,652 shares of 12 companies of Tier 3 were traded for MNT 4,711,889.
Stocks Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
AMT 84 84 84 85.77 84 -1.77 -2.06% 3,016 0 0 84 2,994
AOI 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,800 2,000 200 11.11% 11 5 961 0 0
ERDN 940 940 935 936.44 936.37 -0.07 -0.01% 3,410 4 935 950 3,664
HGN 94 94 94 93 94 1 1.08% 1 2,000 88 95 10,000
HSX 540 540 540 540 540 0 0% 4 187 475 661 6
JLT 179.99 179.99 179 170.87 179.39 8.52 4.99% 1,274 25,000 125 179 226
MRX 22.10 23 22.10 23.50 22.87 -0.63 -2.68% 1,100 4,908 22.10 23 2,462
NUR 2,800 2,800 2,800 3,000 2,800 -200 -6.67% 4 0 0 2,800 155
SIL 40 40 40 38.50 40 1.50 3.9% 12,500 499 38.50 44 16,000
SSG 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,125 2,000 -125 -5.88% 2 6 1,810 2,000 19
TAV 13,750 13,750 13,750 16,150 13,750 -2,400 -14.86% 18 10 12,000 13,750 1,380
VIK 19.80 19.80 19.15 19.80 19.15 -0.65 -3.28% 11,312 1,000 19.15 19.80 501
Today 66,374 shares of 1 companies of Investment fund were traded for MNT 15,830,817.
Fund Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
XOC 238.50 239 238 238.47 238.23 -0.24 -0.1% 66,374 20 237 238.90 7,767
Today 0 Asset backed securities were traded for MNT 0.
Asset backed security Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
Government bond, each consisting of 0 shares that are worth 0 were conducted.More
Securities Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
Company bond, each consisting of 0 shares that are worth 0 were conducted.
Securities Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
Company bond, each consisting of 0 shares that are worth 0 were conducted.
Securities Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
Block trades, each consisting of 0 shares that are worth 0 were conducted.
Symbol Volume High Low Last price
Block trades, each consisting of 0 shares that are worth 0 were conducted.
Symbol Volume High Low Last price
All or Non Auction book
Symbol Volume Buy price Value Date of expiry/cancellation