• mn

Trade Reports



( 178.64 0.35% )
Index Unit Change
Top 20 Index 51031.17 178.64
MSE A Index 19565.61 48.69
MSE B Index 14839.79 44.98



2024-12-26 17:20:49

Total trade: MNT 1,130,373,818 (USD 330,713.99)


2024-12-25 17:55:47

Total trade: MNT 9,706,380,443 (USD 2,839,800.24)      


2024-12-24 15:58:54

Total trade: MNT 2,088,756,320 (USD 611,083.37)


Today 358,726 shares of 23 companies of Tier 1 were traded for MNT 206,522,445.
Stocks Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
AARD 2,950 2,950 2,852 2,989 2,916 -73 -2.44% 1,064 10 2,871 2,930 49
ADB 99 100 99 99.99 99.68 -0.31 -0.31% 5,816 68 99 99.99 1,797
AIC 670 687.96 652.11 660.04 659.02 -1.02 -0.15% 394 50 652.20 685 44
APU 1,000 1,004 996 1,000 1,001 1 0.1% 18,435 398 999 1,004 1,900
BODI 89 89.99 89 89.99 89.98 -0.01 -0.01% 700 100 83.05 89.99 2,716
BOGD 83.90 83.90 80 82.17 83.85 1.68 2.04% 83,802 12 82.02 83.85 1,367
GAZR 49.47 49.47 47.50 49.49 48.16 -1.33 -2.69% 26,162 27 47.60 49.43 100
GLMT 1,180 1,200 1,175 1,175 1,199 24 2.04% 42,850 1 1,197 1,200 23,232
GOV 260 260 255 260.95 259.81 -1.14 -0.44% 21,930 5 258 259.99 692
INV 8,150 8,150 8,150 8,200 8,150 -50 -0.61% 1,000 300 8,110 8,200 133
KHAN 1,169 1,175 1,169 1,170 1,174 4 0.34% 22,249 335 1,174 1,175 7,988
LEND 150.23 152.99 150.20 150.47 150.21 -0.26 -0.17% 16,467 11 150.21 152.50 485
MFC 88.34 88.34 85.01 88 88.33 0.33 0.37% 2,805 390 86 88.33 81
MNDL 70 71 70 70 70.90 0.90 1.29% 2,734 116 70 70.90 29,700
MNP 659.50 659.50 659.40 660 659.50 -0.50 -0.08% 244 35 610 659 1,768
MSE 350 350 348.53 350.18 348.72 -1.46 -0.42% 44,555 150 348.62 348.99 849
NEH 19.50 19.50 18 18.99 19 0.01 0.05% 13,613 8 18.02 19.48 1
SBM 477 484 476 477 476.98 -0.02 -0% 6,308 3 476.01 477 8,321
SUU 433 434 418.10 429.69 434 4.31 1% 8,552 50 418.15 434 959
TDB 24,020 24,040 24,000 24,000 24,000 0 0% 1,154 82 23,980 24,000 28,881
TTL 35,500 35,580 35,000 35,120 35,000 -120 -0.34% 380 126 34,900 35,600 871
TUM 382 382 379 381.08 379.18 -1.90 -0.5% 27,651 1,723 379 381 976
XAC 825 835 816 830.16 832.51 2.35 0.28% 9,861 100 824.10 830 859
Today 202,300 shares of 17 companies of Tier 2 were traded for MNT 64,864,512.
Stocks Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
ADL 470 470 470 470 470 0 0% 1 86 460 470 5,291
AMT 12 12 12 11.07 12 0.93 8.4% 4,750 3,000 11 12 16,150
CNF 47,000 47,920 47,000 47,920 47,720 -200 -0.42% 5 14 37,000 47,920 56
CUMN 186 191 186 187.67 190.02 2.35 1.25% 27,879 48,781 190 191 49,811
ERDN 1,690 1,700 1,585 1,713 1,690 -23 -1.34% 15,907 27 1,621 1,697 70
HRM 210 210 209 209 209.64 0.64 0.31% 156 5,058 202 219.99 150
ITLS 72 72 72 73.79 72 -1.79 -2.43% 6,000 36,745 72 73.79 142
JTB 61.88 61.88 61.88 61.87 61.88 0.01 0.02% 5 100 53.35 61.88 1,624
MBW 190 190 190 195 190 -5 -2.56% 2 800 185.22 195 296
MGLA 179.95 180 179.95 180 179.98 -0.02 -0.01% 6,555 130 167 180 3,691
MLG 178.20 178.99 176 178.99 178.99 0 0% 6,506 1,000 174 178.99 3,386
MSH 300 300 300 330 300 -30 -9.09% 31 655 281 300 69
QPAY 231 231 227.50 228 229 1 0.44% 115,585 5 227.81 229 19,346
SEND 145.89 145.90 141 145.90 142.12 -3.78 -2.59% 18,750 100 141.03 146 6,907
SHG 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,330 1,350 20 1.5% 39 61 1,350 1,370 30
UBH 40,720 40,720 40,720 47,880 40,720 -7,160 -14.95% 28 116 40,720 47,000 51
UID 4,195 4,195 4,195 4,199 4,195 -4 -0.1% 101 50 3,704 4,195 297
Today 289 shares of 2 companies of Tier 3 were traded for MNT 37,207.
Stocks Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
MRX 23 23 23 23 23 0 0% 284 8,184 23 25 6,527
TNGR 6,135 6,135 6,135 6,165 6,135 -30 -0.49% 5 50 5,000 6,125 264
Today 182,199 shares of 2 companies of Investment fund were traded for MNT 183,316,332.
Fund Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
MFG 1,149 1,173 1,122 1,155 1,141 -14 -1.21% 155,666 5,000 1,141 1,170 1,002
XOC 104.99 107 104 106.98 106.99 0.01 0.01% 26,533 15 103.83 104 1,410
Today 30,501 Asset backed securities were traded for MNT 3,050,100,000.
Asset backed security Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
ICAB 100 100 100 100 100 0 0% 30,501 0 0 0 0
Government bond, each consisting of 0 shares that are worth 0 were conducted.More
Securities Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
Company bond, each consisting of 1,309 shares that are worth 130,900,000 were conducted.
Securities Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
SHHK-BD-05/12/25-C0079-17 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 0% 1,304 0 0 100,000 1
SNDB-BD-06/08/26-C0073-18.5 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 0% 5 0 0 0 0
Company bond, each consisting of 0 shares that are worth 0 were conducted.
Securities Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
Block trades, each consisting of 317074 shares that are worth 2,600,006,800 were conducted.
Symbol Volume High Low Last price
1 INV 317,074 8,200 8,200 0
Block trades, each consisting of 0 shares that are worth 0 were conducted.
Symbol Volume High Low Last price
All or Non Auction book
Symbol Volume Buy price Value Date of expiry/cancellation