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Trade Reports



( 64.96 0.13% )
Index Unit Change
Top 20 Index 49935.2 64.96
MSE A Index 19467.89 135.48
MSE B Index 14706.75 -68.68



2025-03-28 17:16:13

Total trade: MNT 614,142,480 (USD 176,132.54)


2025-03-27 17:35:25

Total trade: MNT 1,355,468,415 (USD 389,107.71)


2025-03-26 15:59:34

Total trade: MNT 18,187,121,174 (USD 5,225,268.32)

Member companies operating outside UB

1 Arkhangai "Goodsec UTsK" LLC 1 Arkhangai province, Erdenebulgan sum, 2nd bag, Behind the Khaanbank   80956484
2 Bayan-Olgii "Tavan Bogd UTsK" LLC Bayan-Ulgii province, Ulgii sity, ELBA building, 3rd floor 99089224
3 Bayankhongor "Asia Pacific Securities" LLC Bayankhongor province, House of the local administration, One stop service center 99448449, 88182021
4 "Goodsec UTsK" LLC 2 Bayankhongor province, Bayankhongor sum 1st bag, Building of Bayankhongor Development Fund, 2nd Floor  80966484
5 Bulgan "Bulgan Broker UTsK" LLC Bulgan province, Bulgan sum, 2nd bag, Behind the commission of Sports  99195114
6 Govi-Altai "Goodsec UTsK" LLC 3 Govi-Altai province, Yesun-bulag sum, Building of the Bank of Mongolia, 1st floor  80976484
7 "FCX UTsK" LLC 1 Govi-Altai province, Building of cooperative association, 2nd floor 88488849
8 Govisumber "Delgerkhangai Securities" LLC Sumber sum, 3rd bag, Khonhor village, 2nd accommodation, 6th gate   99093482
9 "FCX UTsK" LLC 2 Sumber sum, Building of communication, number 201 88962898 
10 Darkhan-Uul "BDSec UTsK" JSC 1 Darkhan-Uul Province, New Darkhan, 6th floor of Darkhan Department store  94082846, 70379007, 75551919
11 "Darkhan Broker UTsK" LLC Darkhan-Uul province, 10th bag, Youth Avenue, 380-1 99103719
12 Dornogovi "BDSec UTsK" JSC 3 Dornogovi province, Sainshand City, 3rd bag, Victory street, Party committee, 2nd floor, number 116 75551919
13 "Sanar UTsK" LLC Dornogovi province, Sainshand sum, 6th bag, New Century street, A-25 number 99090611, 99167312
14 "FCX UTsK" LLC 3 Dornogovi province, Sainshand City, The Mongolian People's Party Building, 2nd floor 99085490  
15 Dornod  "Monsec UTsK" LLC Dornod province, Kherlen sum, behind the child center, Apartment number 80, door number 3 77297079, 90110504, 95040777 
16 Dundgovi "Sanar UTsK" LLC Dundgovi province, Saintsagaan sum, 7th bag, S.Buyannebekh's street, 13th apartment 3-3 number 99090611, 96669730
17 Zavkhan "Goodsec UTsK" LLC 4 Zawkhan aimag, Uliastai sum, Jinst bag, building of Mongol insurance company  80606484
18 Orkhon  "BDSec UTsK" JSC 2 Orkhon aimag, Bayan-Undur sum, Khurenbulag bag, Building of Kharkh LLC, 2nd floor, number 203 990728464, 70358318, 75551919
19 Uvurkhangai  "Goodsec UTsK" LLC 5 Uvurkhangai province, Arvai-kheer sum, 5th bag, Legal service center, 4th floor  80986484
20 "Mongol Securities" JSC Uvurkhangai province, Arvai-kheer sum, Bussiness development center,  99780121, 96550121
21 Omnogovi  "National Securities SC" LLC Omnogovi province, Dalanzadgad sity, Youth and Cultural Center, Galaxy center, 1nd floor 89032443
22 Sukhbaatar  "Monsec UTsK" LLC Sukhbaatar province, Baruun-urt, Chief of Governor's Office, 1st floor 96152229, 80080334, 94070770
23 Selenge  "Masdaq UTsK" LLC Selenge province, International department store, 2nd floor 99881008
24 Tov "BDSec UTsK" JSC 4 Tov Province, Zuunmod, 1st bag, integrated service center 75551919
25 Uvs "Tulgat Chandmani Bayan UTsK" LLC Uvs province, Ulaan-go sum, The Bank of Mongolia building  99459044
26 Khovd "Bumbat-Altai UTsK" LLC Khovd province, Jargalant sum, Magsarjav bag, 3-60 51 number 70432166, 99968989
27 Khuvsgul  "Goodsec UTsK" LLC 5 Khuvsgul province, Murun sity, 8th bag, The Building of "Mungun useg'', 08 number 88306401
28 Khentii  "Undukhaan Invest UTsK" LLC Khentii province, Kherlen sum, behind the social unsurance office 98898481, 98184359



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Ulaanbaatar 15160, Mongolia
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Website: www.mse.mn
E-mail: membership@mse.mn