• mn

Trade Reports



( 186.99 0.37% )
Index Unit Change
Top 20 Index 50852.53 186.99
MSE A Index 19516.92 1.78
MSE B Index 14794.81 -204.2



2024-12-26 17:20:49

Total trade: MNT 1,130,373,818 (USD 330,713.99)


2024-12-25 17:55:47

Total trade: MNT 9,706,380,443 (USD 2,839,800.24)      


2024-12-24 15:58:54

Total trade: MNT 2,088,756,320 (USD 611,083.37)


Today 1,032,931 shares of 17 companies of Tier 1 were traded for MNT 202,842,063.
Stocks Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
ADU 659 660 659 659 660 1 0.15% 3,353 74 635.10 660 280
AIC 1,449 1,498 1,430 1,448 1,495 47 3.25% 45,980 518 1,490 1,498 409
APU 745.01 746.80 743 745.96 744.43 -1.53 -0.21% 43,886 100 742.01 744.50 3,024
BDS 950 950 950 950.56 950 -0.56 -0.06% 115 110 950 1,000 174
BNG 23,900 24,100 23,800 24,000 23,800 -200 -0.83% 51 4 23,900 24,100 29
BODI 129.85 131 129.85 129.44 131 1.56 1.21% 2,808 2,000 130 131 20
GOV 243.80 244.99 239 242.28 240.18 -2.10 -0.87% 53,121 503 239.50 240 3,246
LEND 41.35 42.45 41.35 41.43 42.02 0.59 1.42% 239,426 1,100 41.50 42.45 1,000
MFC 67 67 65.50 64.91 66.70 1.79 2.76% 19,131 100 66 67 7,464
MMX 2,850 2,950 2,800 2,850 2,850 0 0% 19 302 2,700 2,950 180
MNDL 64 64 61 63.51 62.34 -1.17 -1.84% 307,407 10,000 61.50 62.50 5,973
MNP 1,484 1,484 1,484 1,291 1,484 193 14.95% 4,340 19,186 1,484 1,490 1
NEH 29 29.30 27.50 25.48 29.30 3.82 14.99% 238,816 10,548 29.30 30 50,000
SUU 213 213.50 205 213.07 212.59 -0.48 -0.23% 30,033 230 213 213.90 3,750
TCK 14,600 14,600 14,230 14,790 14,410 -380 -2.57% 49 3 14,400 14,500 63
TTL 7,555 7,670 7,200 7,555 7,310 -245 -3.24% 3,594 10 7,205 7,595 100
TUM 215 215 205 215 208.55 -6.45 -3% 40,802 200 207.70 214.50 1,900
Today 1,606,601 shares of 22 companies of Tier 2 were traded for MNT 847,086,066.
Stocks Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
AARD 10,000 10,100 9,900 10,000 10,090 90 0.9% 44,875 50 9,950 10,090 550
ADB 240 271.15 240 235.79 270.70 34.91 14.81% 1,402,034 7 271.10 271.50 50,000
ADL 1,000 1,000 1,000 932.59 1,000 67.41 7.23% 2 200 940 1,000 998
BAN 1,011 1,011 1,010 1,090 1,011 -79 -7.25% 156 80 990 1,010 9,853
BDL 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 0 0% 7 0 0 8,400 168
BEU 1,390 1,390 1,390 1,210 1,390 180 14.88% 8 2 1,390 1,391 5
BUK 600 600 589 593.13 589.97 -3.16 -0.53% 1,810 20 590 600 2,900
DZG 135.90 135.90 123.66 135.90 125 -10.90 -8.02% 155 450 123.66 135.90 181
ETR 132 132 128 132 131 -1 -0.76% 4,292 2,000 127 132.89 100
HBO 55.01 55.01 55 57.07 55 -2.07 -3.63% 4,434 0 0 55 566
HRM 138.50 138.50 138.50 138.50 138.50 0 0% 100 130 131 138.28 170
INV 3,294 3,297 3,002 3,294 3,031 -263 -7.98% 1,349 17 3,000 3,299 5
ITLS 85 85.96 84.20 84.69 85 0.31 0.37% 49,129 50 84.10 84.20 50
JTB 70 71.99 68.50 68.59 68.50 -0.09 -0.13% 9,819 26 68.50 70 5,000
MBW 176 177 175.55 176.81 176.29 -0.52 -0.29% 2,885 2,500 175.50 179.99 8,694
MCH 438 450 435 435 446.89 11.89 2.73% 2,413 450 435 450 274
MIB 99 99 99 98.99 99 0.01 0.01% 101 14 99 107.99 100
MIE 6,895 6,895 6,895 6,905 6,895 -10 -0.14% 5 165 6,895 7,100 134
NXE 1,580 1,600 1,580 1,560 1,588 28 1.79% 100 100 1,450 0 0
OLL 22 22 22 20.11 22 1.89 9.4% 28 2,000 23.10 24 4,500
RMC 22.90 22.90 22 22.31 22.08 -0.23 -1.03% 81,744 1,565 22 22.90 5,468
UID 1,599 1,688 1,599 1,576 1,614 38 2.41% 1,155 100 1,600 1,620 134
Today 11,373 shares of 9 companies of Tier 3 were traded for MNT 6,088,600.
Stocks Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
AOI 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,850 1,800 -50 -2.7% 10 5 961 0 0
ERDN 969 970 961 970 964.54 -5.46 -0.56% 5,385 1,061 960 969.50 980
ERS 25,940 25,940 25,940 30,500 25,940 -4,560 -14.95% 20 10 22,060 30,500 40
HGN 90 94 90 85 92.24 7.24 8.52% 2,547 3 90 94 89
HML 775 775 775 850 775 -75 -8.82% 52 0 0 850 852
HVL 63.25 63.25 63.25 55 63.25 8.25 15% 300 1,800 63.25 0 0
JLT 153 153 153 133.40 153 19.60 14.69% 28 44 121 178 55,000
NKT 24 24 24 24 24 0 0% 150 3,052 22 0 0
VIK 16.91 16.98 16.91 16.82 16.94 0.12 0.71% 2,881 26 16.91 16.98 293
Today 564,673 shares of 1 companies of Investment fund were traded for MNT 130,498,436.
Fund Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
XOC 216 232.30 216 202 231.84 29.84 14.77% 564,673 2,337 232.30 232 100
Today 0 Asset backed securities were traded for MNT 0.
Asset backed security Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
Government bond, each consisting of 0 shares that are worth 0 were conducted.More
Securities Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
Company bond, each consisting of 0 shares that are worth 0 were conducted.
Securities Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
Company bond, each consisting of 0 shares that are worth 0 were conducted.
Securities Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
Block trades, each consisting of 0 shares that are worth 0 were conducted.
Symbol Volume High Low Last price
Block trades, each consisting of 0 shares that are worth 0 were conducted.
Symbol Volume High Low Last price
All or Non Auction book
Symbol Volume Buy price Value Date of expiry/cancellation