• mn

Trade Reports



( 44.39 0.08% )
Index Unit Change
Top 20 Index 52743.27 44.39
MSE A Index 20531.3 -8.38
MSE B Index 15384.53 -161.03



2025-02-21 17:30:00

Total trade: MNT 6,775,112,103 (USD 1,956,897.58)


2025-02-21 10:52:56

The company announced that it will distribute a dividend of 495,414,383.20 MNT, calculated as 30% of its net profit from financial operations for 2024, with the dividend per share being 23.62 MNT.


2025-02-20 16:49:11

Total trade: MNT 17,124,101,547 (USD 4,948,289.91)


Today 6,284,004 shares of 25 companies of Tier 1 were traded for MNT 1,573,800,251.
Stocks Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
AARD 2,530 2,530 2,512 2,589 2,529 -60 -2.32% 815 85 2,517 2,530 1,801
ADB 105 106 104.50 107.29 105.87 -1.42 -1.32% 112,725 1,000 103.18 106.99 17,032
AIC 667 672.92 667 668.46 672.92 4.46 0.67% 2,884 500 665 672.93 14
APU 996.02 999 996.02 997.28 997.59 0.31 0.03% 22,850 467 997 998 10,808
BODI 87 87 87 87 87 0 0% 1,176 5 85.01 87 5,790
BOGD 140 142.49 140 140 141.98 1.98 1.41% 824,431 134,000 140.10 142.49 150
GAZR 50 50.95 50 50.96 50.88 -0.08 -0.16% 27,570 19,600 49.25 50.89 3,097
GLMT 1,395 1,440 1,395 1,368 1,403 35 2.56% 227,771 300 1,403 1,420 4,000
GOV 251 252 249.10 250.79 250 -0.79 -0.32% 9,757 69 249.10 250 12,768
INV 9,290 10,000 9,290 9,260 9,565 305 3.29% 6,451 1,000 9,300 9,780 100
KHAN 1,340 1,355 1,323 1,330 1,327 -3 -0.23% 537,713 198 1,325 1,332 20
LEND 177.90 180 176.80 176.23 179.79 3.56 2.02% 79,299 300 176.81 179.97 490
MFC 83.20 86 83.01 84.49 83.21 -1.28 -1.51% 20,912 1,000 83.31 85.95 940
MMX 4,002 4,002 4,001 4,184 4,001 -183 -4.37% 25 88 4,001 4,184 44
MNDL 72.41 75 70.51 70.18 70.61 0.43 0.61% 87,181 35 70.62 74.99 2,845
MNP 690 699.98 690 699.99 691.04 -8.95 -1.28% 106 100 690.50 699.98 15
MSE 374.90 388 373 371.81 381.48 9.67 2.6% 234,654 130 377.01 380 457
NEH 27.78 27.80 27 27.78 27 -0.78 -2.81% 4,034,047 50 27.78 27.80 20,629
SBM 531.12 550 531.12 546.74 548.08 1.34 0.25% 8,950 1,074 548 550 7,829
SUU 659.43 714.12 659 659.43 700.11 40.68 6.17% 4,299 1,000 700 713 1,000
TCK 32,360 32,360 32,360 32,360 32,360 0 0% 100 11 30,600 32,480 20
TDB 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 0 0% 1,626 187 23,980 24,000 7,132
TTL 35,500 35,940 34,500 35,940 35,260 -680 -1.89% 509 240 35,100 35,760 15
TUM 402 402.50 400 402.07 401.13 -0.94 -0.23% 18,032 3 402 402.49 2,166
XAC 829 830 820.10 829 820.54 -8.46 -1.02% 20,121 612 820.10 828 9,941
Today 175,152 shares of 21 companies of Tier 2 were traded for MNT 59,790,382.
Stocks Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
AMT 9.85 9.85 9.85 10.04 9.85 -0.19 -1.89% 99,999 6 9.40 9.90 100,000
BAN 2,050 2,399 2,050 2,108 2,399 291 13.8% 172 10 2,050 2,399 72
CUMN 203 203 186 202.99 187 -15.99 -7.88% 8,802 1 191 201 10,000
ERDN 1,896 1,940 1,896 1,896 1,940 44 2.32% 23,657 36 1,931 1,940 6,538
ETR 134 134 134 134 134 0 0% 31 0 0 134 6,524
HRM 229.50 229.90 229.50 229.50 229.89 0.39 0.17% 413 10 211.01 230 6,990
ITLS 72 76.49 72 75 76.49 1.49 1.99% 922 500 72.01 76.50 40
JTB 58 58 58 53.25 58 4.75 8.92% 303 50 53.25 61.23 3,000
MBW 197.50 197.50 193.01 197 193.07 -3.93 -1.99% 11,178 943 193 197.50 4,491
MCH 850 850 850 850 850 0 0% 8 214 765 850 200
MGLA 176 176 176 176 176 0 0% 41 460 170.30 176 4,709
MLG 190 190 189.50 189.89 189.99 0.10 0.05% 11,240 455 189.50 190 55,716
NXE 2,639 2,639 2,639 2,295 2,639 344 14.99% 2 242 2,325 2,639 56
QPAY 223.98 223.98 221 220.09 222 1.91 0.87% 2,035 470 221 222 1,278
RMC 78 78 77.99 75.05 77.99 2.94 3.92% 2,010 265 76 78 99,138
SEND 148.98 148.98 142.02 148.98 142.50 -6.48 -4.35% 8,243 36 142.05 148.98 5
SHG 2,001 2,001 2,001 2,183 2,001 -182 -8.34% 100 400 2,001 2,200 100
SUL 91,600 91,600 91,600 91,680 91,600 -80 -0.09% 2 6 84,960 110,000 35
TAND 24 24 24 24.07 24 -0.07 -0.29% 300 1,000 22 24 7,642
TGI 750.05 750.06 745 758.35 745.02 -13.33 -1.76% 5,398 7 745.01 774 441
UID 3,249 3,249 3,019 3,101 3,085 -16 -0.52% 296 50 3,019 3,100 2,591
Today 724 shares of 8 companies of Tier 3 were traded for MNT 572,091.
Stocks Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
ACL 22,020 22,020 22,020 19,150 22,020 2,870 14.99% 12 25 16,660 0 0
DHU 2,380 2,380 2,380 2,380 2,380 0 0% 4 185 2,380 2,737 111
HGN 66 66 66 60 66 6 10% 100 5 60 66 958
NKT 87.97 87.97 87.97 76.50 87.97 11.47 14.99% 503 3,000 65.25 0 0
SIL 42 42 42 40 42 2 5% 40 200 40 42 60
SOH 550 550 550 646 550 -96 -14.86% 17 83 550 700 900
SOR 4,181 4,181 4,181 3,636 4,181 545 14.99% 12 20 2,750 4,181 8
TNGR 5,120 5,400 5,120 5,500 5,400 -100 -1.82% 36 63 5,110 5,400 23
Today 19,586 shares of 2 companies of Investment fund were traded for MNT 6,137,302.
Fund Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
MFG 970 970 920 965.76 927.28 -38.48 -3.98% 5,189 10 914 965.76 357
XOC 92 93 91.36 92.51 93 0.49 0.53% 14,397 20 92.51 92.99 34
Today 0 Asset backed securities were traded for MNT 0.
Asset backed security Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
Government bond, each consisting of 0 shares that are worth 0 were conducted.More
Securities Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
Company bond, each consisting of 0 shares that are worth 0 were conducted.
Securities Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
Company bond, each consisting of 0 shares that are worth 0 were conducted.
Securities Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
Block trades, each consisting of 70997 shares that are worth 407,167,795 were conducted.
Symbol Volume High Low Last price
1 TNGR 70,997 5,735 5,735 0
Block trades, each consisting of 0 shares that are worth 0 were conducted.
Symbol Volume High Low Last price
All or Non Auction book
Symbol Volume Buy price Value Date of expiry/cancellation