• mn

Trade Reports



( -49.9 -0.1% )
Index Unit Change
Top 20 Index 47911.16 -49.9
MSE A Index 18218.05 -82.77
MSE B Index 15370.41 124.02



2024-09-27 17:14:57

In accordance with Clause 2.2 of Article 2 of the "Contract for Registration to Participate in Trading of Mining Products," it is stated that if neither party proposes to terminate the contract upon expiration, it will be deemed extended for an additional year.


2024-09-27 16:39:16

Total trade: MNT 29,285,670,451 (USD 8,661,785.63)      


2024-09-26 15:48:10

Total trade: MNT 33,477,170,055 (USD 9,901,851.59)      


Today 2,408,477 shares of 15 companies of Tier 1 were traded for MNT 532,539,917.
Stocks Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
ADU 595.03 596 580 595.04 591.25 -3.79 -0.64% 1,010 8 580 614 115
AIC 1,531 1,540 1,442 1,547 1,530 -17 -1.1% 228,998 550 1,500 1,540 965
APU 723 725 720 722.02 721.11 -0.91 -0.13% 30,046 400 720 722 3,050
BDS 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,090 1,080 -10 -0.92% 24 20 1,073 1,100 1,970
BODI 125 125 125 125 125 0 0% 650 200 124 125 6,495
GOV 242.90 245 239 242 240.90 -1.10 -0.45% 116,728 100 240 243 192
LEND 48.31 52 48.31 46.96 51.25 4.29 9.14% 1,474,392 156 50.60 51.90 500
MFC 68.20 68.40 67 68.01 67.36 -0.65 -0.96% 194,907 100 67.03 68.40 1
MNDL 74 74.40 74 73.48 74.21 0.73 0.99% 142,153 104 74.10 74.25 14,330
MNP 1,510 1,555 1,299 1,507 1,307 -200 -13.27% 7,120 200 1,310 1,485 120
NEH 27.50 27.98 26.60 27.14 26.86 -0.28 -1.03% 123,227 339 26.60 27.50 899
SUU 212.70 212.70 208.50 209.78 209.01 -0.77 -0.37% 20,370 2,350 210 210.50 206
TCK 15,050 15,200 15,010 15,010 15,120 110 0.73% 4 24 14,500 15,000 34
TTL 7,050 7,050 6,900 6,990 6,900 -90 -1.29% 470 11 6,900 7,035 300
TUM 213 215 211 212.91 212.54 -0.37 -0.17% 68,378 485 214.50 215 18,556
Today 7,380,432 shares of 18 companies of Tier 2 were traded for MNT 2,150,999,223.
Stocks Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
AARD 11,680 11,680 10,100 11,430 11,240 -190 -1.66% 9,926 90 11,000 11,200 399
ADB 290 290 260 298.51 277 -21.51 -7.21% 7,326,383 346 285 289 1,000
BAN 980 980 950 980 950 -30 -3.06% 26 0 0 950 4
BDL 10,000 10,000 10,000 9,000 10,000 1,000 11.11% 3 10 7,005 0 0
BTG 23,500 23,500 23,500 24,000 23,500 -500 -2.08% 5 5 20,500 0 0
BUK 560 618 560 592.43 618 25.57 4.32% 596 87 560 618.99 22
ETR 99.50 100 99.50 100.09 99.90 -0.19 -0.19% 8,125 134 99.50 99.90 1,161
GHC 13,600 13,600 13,600 11,840 13,600 1,760 14.86% 1 0 0 13,600 7
HRM 128 128 128 123 128 5 4.07% 50 500 118 128 200
INV 3,300 3,349 3,300 3,290 3,308 18 0.55% 1,402 175 3,310 3,350 120
ITLS 94 94 93.80 93.79 93.85 0.06 0.06% 6,299 500 93.70 94.50 100
MBW 171 171 169 169.22 169 -0.22 -0.13% 4,500 50 168.35 171 2,650
MCH 600.01 600.01 600 600 600.01 0.01 0% 86 10 600 640 40
MIE 7,400 7,400 7,400 7,925 7,400 -525 -6.62% 244 0 0 7,400 20
OLL 30 30 29.50 30 29.50 -0.50 -1.67% 8,021 4,985 29.50 31 1,000
RMC 29 29 27.90 29.85 28.24 -1.61 -5.39% 12,635 100,000 22.50 28.90 2,215
SHV 1,787 1,787 1,787 1,699 1,787 88 5.18% 50 95 1,630 1,786 50
UID 1,650 1,850 1,650 1,650 1,755 105 6.36% 2,080 20 1,651 1,829 11
Today 2,174 shares of 4 companies of Tier 3 were traded for MNT 2,222,980.
Stocks Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
DES 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 0 0% 1 2 19,000 0 0
ERDN 935 935 910 909.57 929.93 20.36 2.24% 2,155 100 900 909 100
ERS 13,220 13,220 13,220 11,500 13,220 1,720 14.96% 9 15 13,220 15,190 3
TAV 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 0 0% 9 100 8,000 9,000 838
Today 132,913 shares of 1 companies of Investment fund were traded for MNT 62,793,418.
Fund Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
XOC 472.44 472.44 472.44 555.81 472.44 -83.37 -15% 132,913 1,041 472.44 472.44 150,129
Today 0 Asset backed securities were traded for MNT 0.
Asset backed security Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
Government bond, each consisting of 0 shares that are worth 0 were conducted.More
Securities Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
Company bond, each consisting of 0 shares that are worth 0 were conducted.
Securities Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
Company bond, each consisting of 0 shares that are worth 0 were conducted.
Securities Quotes Orders
Bid Ask
Symbol Open High Low Previous closing price Closing price Change Volume Bid vol Bid Ask Ask vol
Block trades, each consisting of 0 shares that are worth 0 were conducted.
Symbol Volume High Low Last price
Block trades, each consisting of 0 shares that are worth 0 were conducted.
Symbol Volume High Low Last price
All or Non Auction book
Symbol Volume Buy price Value Date of expiry/cancellation