Pursuant to the Resolution No.:366 of Financial Regulatory Commission /FRC/ dated on 25 September 2015, the decision to make listing amendment to “Zoos Goyol”JSC for 1-288 reserve split which grouped every 288 shares with MNT100.00 per share into 1 share with MNT28,800.00 per share has been approved. Regarding reserve split, following rights have become available for shareholders of “Zoos Goyol” JSC:
1. The company will repurchase fractional amount of shares /1-287/
2. Or to complete whole 288 shares, shareholders who own fractional amount of shares could purchase missing amount of shares from the company.
FRC determined the price MNT850.00 per share for the actions including company repurchasing shares or shareholders completing shares as a whole 288.
Therefore, shareholders of “Zoos Goyol” JSC submit the request to Committee of Implementing Project of “Zoos Goyol” JSC within the period between 2015.10.05-2015.12.05.
Address: Ulaanbaatar, Chingeltei district 4th khoroo
Sambuu street, “Zoos Goyol” JSC door#202
Tel: 321907, 323306, 99002083, 88096945
Web: http:www.zoosgoyol.mn,http:/www.mse.mn/
E-mail: info@zoosgoyol.mn
Sambuu street, “Zoos Goyol” JSC door#202
Tel: 321907, 323306, 99002083, 88096945
Web: http:www.zoosgoyol.mn,http:/www.mse.mn/
E-mail: info@zoosgoyol.mn
Trading and Surveillance Department