• mn

Trade Reports



( 75.44 0.15% )
Index Unit Change
Top 20 Index 50289.01 75.44
MSE A Index 19676.99 18.39
MSE B Index 15208.44 57.62



2024-12-20 16:54:10

Total trade: MNT 8,815,870,055 (USD 2,579,897.24) 


2024-12-19 16:28:32

Total trade: MNT 18,423,563,806 (USD 5,390,301.03)      


2024-12-18 16:25:50

Total trade: MNT 20,932,555,849 (USD 6,125,484.18) 

General Information of listed companies

Company name Symbol Type File Date
1501 Ulaanbaatar khivs UBH Financial report 2022-02-10
1502 Tandem invest VIK Financial report 2022-02-10
1503 Mongol Basalt MBW Financial report 2022-02-10
1504 Shinest NRS Financial report 2022-02-10
1505 Monos khuns MFC Financial report 2022-02-10
1506 Genco tour bureau JTB Financial report 2022-02-10
1507 Tandem invest VIK Financial report 2022-02-10
1508 Materialimpex MIE Financial report 2022-02-10
1509 Khorin Khoyordugaar Baaz AHH Financial report 2022-02-10
1510 Khusug Trade HSG Financial report 2022-02-10
1511 Ulsyn ikh delguur UID Financial report 2022-02-10
1512 Khuvsgul usan zam HUZ Financial report 2022-02-10
1513 Moninjbar MIB Financial report 2022-02-10
1514 Mongol savkhi UYN Financial report 2022-02-10
1515 Bayangol Hotel BNG Financial report 2022-02-10
1516 Khuvsgul HVL Financial report 2022-02-10
1517 Global life technology BAJ Financial report 2022-02-10
1518 Mongolian post MNP Financial report 2022-02-10
1519 Lux Zanadu group BAZ Financial report 2022-02-10
1520 Undurkhaan ONH Financial report 2022-02-10
1521 Suu SUU Financial report 2022-02-10
1522 Uvs Khuns HUN Financial report 2022-02-10
1523 Ard credit ADB Financial report 2022-02-10
1524 Tulpar TLP Financial report 2022-02-10
1525 Dornod Khudaldaa DES Financial report 2022-02-10
1526 Gobi GOV Financial report View 2022-02-10
1527 Ulaanbaatar dulaany suljee UDS Financial report 2022-02-09
1528 Sor SOR Financial report 2022-02-09
1529 Talyn Gal TAL Financial report 2022-02-09
1530 Tavantolgoi TTL Financial report View 2022-02-09
1531 LendMN LEND Financial report 2022-02-09
1532 Aduunchuluun ADL Financial report 2022-02-09
1533 HBOil HBO Financial report 2022-02-09
1534 Darkhan Hotel DZG Financial report 2022-02-09
1535 Teever Darkhan TEE Financial report 2022-02-09
1536 Ard Insurance AIC Financial report 2022-02-09
1537 Dulaany tsakhilgaan stants III DGS Financial report 2022-02-08
1538 Tumen shuvuut TUM Financial report View 2022-02-10
1539 Altain zam AZH Financial report 2022-02-07
1540 Gutal GTL Financial report 2022-02-01
1541 Bogd Bank BOGD Financial report View 2022-01-31
1542 Mongol savkhi UYN Financial report 2022-01-28
1543 Mongolian Mortgage Corporation MIK Financial report 2022-02-10
1544 Khusug Trade HSG Influential shareholders 2024-11-21
1545 Khusug Trade HSG Influential shareholders 2024-11-21
1546 Khusug Trade HSG Influential shareholders 2024-11-21
1547 Premium Nexus JSC CUMN Board's meeting decision View 2021-12-31
1548 Premium Nexus JSC CUMN Board's meeting decision View 2021-12-31
1549 Premium Nexus JSC CUMN Board members 2021-12-30
1550 Premium Nexus JSC CUMN Meeting decision View 2021-12-30
1551 Gobi GOV Directors of company 2021-11-23
1552 Gobi GOV Directors of company 2021-11-23
1553 Premium Nexus JSC CUMN Meeting agenda 2021-11-22
1554 Premium Nexus JSC CUMN Board's meeting decision View 2021-11-23
1555 Premium Nexus JSC CUMN Board members 2021-12-30
1556 Premium Nexus JSC CUMN Board members 2021-12-30
1557 Premium Nexus JSC CUMN Board members 2021-12-30
1558 Premium Nexus JSC CUMN Influential shareholders 2022-10-02
1559 Premium Nexus JSC CUMN Directors of company 2021-11-16
1560 Frontier Land Group MDR Directors of company 2021-11-15
1561 Ulaanbaatar BUK JSC BUK Financial report 2021-11-10
1562 Ulaanbaatar BUK JSC BUK Financial report 2021-11-10
1563 APU APU Board members 2021-11-02
1564 Aduunchuluun ADL Financial report 2021-11-09
1565 Khuvsgul usan zam HUZ Financial report 2021-10-28
1566 Merex JSC MRX Influential shareholders 2024-11-21
1567 Genco tour bureau JTB Influential shareholders 2024-11-21
1568 Genco tour bureau JTB Influential shareholders 2024-11-21
1569 Genco tour bureau JTB Influential shareholders 2024-11-21
1570 Gobi GOV Board members 2021-11-01
1571 Gobi GOV Board members 2021-11-01
1572 Gobi GOV Board members 2021-11-01
1573 Gobi GOV Board members 2021-11-01
1574 Gobi GOV Directors of company 2021-10-27
1575 Genco tour bureau JTB Influential shareholders 2024-11-21
1576 Genco tour bureau JTB Influential shareholders 2024-11-21
1577 Binse BHR Influential shareholders 2022-05-05
1578 Binse BHR Influential shareholders 2021-10-25
1579 Gobi GOV Financial report 2021-10-26
1580 Juulchin duty free SUL Financial report 2021-10-22
1581 Ulsyn ikh delguur UID Financial report 2021-10-22
1582 Monos khuns MFC Financial report 2021-10-22
1583 Cement shokhoi HTS Financial report 2021-10-21
1584 Makhimpex MMX Influential shareholders 2024-11-22
1585 Makhimpex MMX Influential shareholders 2024-11-22
1586 Nogoon hugjil undesnii negdel JLT Influential shareholders 2024-11-22
1587 Monnoos MNS Influential shareholders 2024-11-20
1588 Juulchin duty free SUL Influential shareholders 2024-11-20
1589 ESG finance GFG Influential shareholders 2024-11-21
1590 Sharyn Gol SHG Influential shareholders 2021-10-18
1591 HBOil HBO Influential shareholders 2024-11-21
1592 Khorin Khoyordugaar Baaz AHH Financial report 2021-10-15
1593 Khukh gan HGN Directors of company 2021-10-12
1594 Gan Kherlen HZB Board members 2021-09-30
1595 Gan Kherlen HZB Board members 2021-09-30
1596 Gan Kherlen HZB Board members 2021-09-30
1597 Gan Kherlen HZB Board members 2021-09-30
1598 Gan Kherlen HZB Board members 2021-09-30
1599 Gan Kherlen HZB Board members 2021-09-30
1600 Gan Kherlen HZB Board members 2021-09-30