Index | Unit | Change |
Top 20 Index | 51712.5 | 86.77 |
MSE A Index | 19934.18 | 11.01 |
MSE B Index | 15619.14 | 225.37 |
During the week of January 13, 2025, to January 17, 2025, a total of MNT 4,247,150,177.19 worth of securities were traded on the MSE.
On September 25th the trading of iron ore concentrate of ‘’Mongolrostsvetmet" SOE's 1 lot or a total of 3,000 tons of FE-65% iron ore concentrate was organized by the MSE today.
The trading of export coal of "Energy Resources" LLC has been organized by the MSE on September 25th, and 2 lots, or 12,800 tons of washed mid-ash semi-hard coking coal were traded.
The trading of export coal of "Energy Resources" LLC has been organized by the MSE on September 22th, and 2 lots, or 12,800 tons of washed hard coking coal were traded.
On September 21th the trading of export coal of ‘’Khangad exploration" LLC's 2 lots or a total of 12,800 tons of washed semi soft coking coal, "Erdenes Tavantolgoi" JSC's 65 lots, or a total of 416,000 tons of coking coal was organized by the MSE today.
During an e-auction the price has increased by 22.73%
The trading of export coal of "Energy Resources" LLC has been organized by the MSE on September 19th, and 2 lots, or 12,800 tons of washed mid-ash semi-hard coking coal and 2 lots, or 12,800 tons of washed hard coking coal were traded.