Index | Unit | Change |
Top 20 Index | 52743.27 | 44.39 |
MSE A Index | 20531.3 | -8.38 |
MSE B Index | 15384.53 | -161.03 |
The company announced that it will distribute a dividend of 495,414,383.20 MNT, calculated as 30% of its net profit from financial operations for 2024, with the dividend per share being 23.62 MNT.
№ | Lastname Firstname | Position | Share |
1 | Төмөрбаатар.Болд | 50% | |
2 | Минжин.Бат-Оргил | 50% | |
3 | Цэдэв.Наран-Учрал | 16% | |
№ | Company name | Share |
1 | "Тэлмэн групп" ХК | 52% |
№ | Lastname Firstname | Position |
№ | Lastname Firstname | Position |
1 | Минжин Бат-Оргил | Захирал |
2 | Төмөрбаатар Болд | Дэд захирал |
3 | Ц. Анхмаа | Брокер |
4 | Далхаа Бат-Эрдэнэ | Брокер |
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